
Text Analytics and Data Aggregation | Services

A set of integrated and ready-to-use Services for Text Analytics (in different languages provided by CLARIN ERIC and GATE Platform) and for Data Aggregation.


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  • CNR-ISTI NLP Hub: an engine offering one seamless access to a number of NLP algorithms running in the PARTHENOS Infrastructure. Collects NLP algorithms available in the VRE, merges the outputs and provides one single result (exploiting their complementary features). Try it now


  • DATA AGGREGATION: The ultimate goal of these tools is to combine different datasets in order to have a single aggregate collection of data.
    • RUBRICA V2: This tool allows the integration of various reference resources used in different disciplines. Starting from trusted knowledge bases, researchers could merge and reuse specialized reference resources (documentation). Try it now


  • GATE Cloud NLP Methods: the home of affordable text analytics solutions from the world-leading open source GATE platform
    • Annie Plus Measurements: Annotates named entities (person, location, organization, date) as well as numbers and measurement expressions. Default Annotations: Address, Date, Location, Measurement, Organization, Person. Additional Annotations: Money, Percent, Token, SpaceToken, Sentence, Ratio. Try it now
    • Cymrie Welsh Named Entity RecognizerThe CYMRIE named entity recognition service for Welsh text. Identifies namesof persons, locations, organizations, as well as money amounts, time and date expressions. Default Annotations: Address, Date, Location, Organization, Person. Additional Annotations: Money, Percent, Token, SpaceToken, Sentence. Try it now
    • Decarbonet Environmental Annotator: The DecarboNet environmental annotation service identifies named entities, environmental terms, linguistic features and sentiment in social media texts. Default Annotations: Term, Sentiment, Sentence. Additional Annotations: Person, Location, Organization, Hashtag, URL, UserID.  Try it now
    • Decarbonet German Environmental Annotator: The DecarboNet environmental annotation service identifies named entities, environmental terms, and sentiment in German language social media texts. Default Annotations: Term, Sentiment. Additional Annotations: Person, Location, Organization. Try it now
    • English Named Entity Recognizer: Identify names of persons, locations, organizations, as well as money amounts, time and date expressions in English texts automatically. Default Annotations: Address, Date, Location, Organization. Additional Annotations: Person, Money, Percent, Token, SpaceToken, Sentence.  Try it now
    • English Named Entity Recognizer For Tweets: Analyse tweets for names of persons, locations, organizations and other entities. Also performs normalization of abbreviations and common shorthands (brb, gr8, 2day, etc.). Default Annotations: Token, Emoticon, Hashtag, URL, UserID, Address, Date, Location, Organization, Person. Additional Annotations: Money, Percent, SpaceToken, Sentence.  Try it now
    • English Part Of Speech And Morphology Anaylizer: Annotates tokens and sentences in English text, adding part-of-speech and morphological root and affix to each token. Default Annotations: Token. Additional Annotations: SpaceToken, Sentence. Try it now
    • English Tweet Tokenizer: Identify names of persons, locations, organizations, as well as money amounts, time and date expressions in English texts automatically. Default Annotations: Address, Date, Location, Organization. Additional Annotations: Person, Money, Percent, Token, SpaceToken, Sentence. Try it now
    • French Named Entity Recognizer: A named entity recognition service for documents in French. Based on ANNIE, it identifies names of persons, locations, and organizations. Default Annotations: Location, Organization, Person. Additional Annotations: Token, SpaceToken, Sentence. Try it now
    • Generic Opinion Mining English: Recognises opinionated sentences in English text and classifies them as positive or negative. It also indicates emotion type, author and target of the opinion, average sentiment, and some sentence types. Default Annotations: SentenceSentiment, Sentence, SentenceSet. Additional Annotations: Person, Location, Organization, SentimentTarget. Try it now
    • German Named Entity Recognizer: A named entity recognition service for documents in German. Based on ANNIE, it identifies names of persons, locations, and organizations. Default Annotations: Location, Organization, Person. Additional Annotations: Token, SpaceToken, Sentence.  Try it now
    • Language Identification For Tweets: Service to identify the languages of tweets. Default Annotations: Tweet. Additional Annotations: NA. Try it now
    • Measurement Expression Annotator: Annotates numbers and measurement expressions, with their normalised values in SI units. Default Annotations: Measurement. Additional Annotations: Sentence, Token, Ratio. Try it now
    • Noun Phrase Chunker: Base Noun Phrase Chunker, producing NounChunk annotations. Default Annotations: NounChunk. Additional Annotations: Token, SpaceToken, Sentence. Try it now
    • Open Nlp Dutch Pipeline: The Dutch tokeniser, sentence splitter, POS tagger, phrase chunker and named-entity recogniser from Apache OpenNLP. Default Annotations: Date, Location, Organization, Person. Additional Annotations: Money, Percentage, Time, Sentence, Token. Try it now
    • Part Of Speech Tagger For Tweets: A service that tags tweets with part-of-speech information, e.g. nouns, verbs. Default Annotations: Tweet, Token, Emoticon, Hashtag, URL, UserID. Additional Annotations: SpaceToken, Sentence, Split. Try it now
    • Summa Text Summarization En: The SUMMA Text Summarization (EN) uses the SUMMA toolkit developed by Horacio Saggion to provide a generic English document summarizer. Default Annotations: Sentence. Additional Annotations: NA. Try it now
    • Summa Text Summarization Es: The SUMMA Text Summarization (ES) uses the SUMMA toolkit developed by Horacio Saggion to provide a generic Spanish document summarizer. Default Annotations: Sentence. Additional Annotations: NA. Try it now
    • The Brexit Analyzer Pipeline: A service for analysing tweets about the UK's referendum on EU membership. It identifies topics, hashtags, user mentions, and voting intention (where possible). Default Annotations: Topic, VoteIntent, Hashtag, UserID, URL. Additional Annotations: Sentence, NounChunk. Try it now
    • Twitter Opinion Mining English: Recognises opinionated sentences in English tweets and classifies them as positive or negative. It also indicates emotion type, author and target of the opinion, and some sentence types. Default Annotations: SentenceSentiment, Sentence. Additional Annotations: Person, Location, Organization, Hashtag, SentimentTarget, URL, UserID. Try it now