
PARTHENOS | Virtual Research Environment

An online environment that integrates cloud storage with services and tools and support collaborative working throughout the research data lifecycle, promoting sharing, reuse and sustainability within the Humanities.

VRE Features


The Discovery services make accessible to users the aggregated Research Infrastructures metadata compliant with the PARTHENOS Entity Model (PEM), providing faceted and advanced search capabilities as well as the possibility to browse search.


Text-analytics services provide users with a rich set of Text-analytics services (e.g. Part-of-speech tagging, Parsers, NER, Opinion Mining etc.) as well as services for reference resources integration and merging.

Visual Media

Visual Media makes accessible to users an easy-to-use way for publishing advanced multimedia content on the Web, to upload visual media files on a server and to automatically transform them into an efficient web format, making them ready for the web.

Experiment with the PARTHENOS VRE

Experiment with the PARTHENOS VRE