
Visual Media | Service

The Visual Media Service has been created to provide an easy-to-use service for publishing advanced multimedia content on the Web, and is open to all users.

Publishing advanced multimedia content

Visual Media Service allows users to upload visual media files on a server and to automatically transform them into an efficient web format, making them ready for web-based visualisation. It has been created to provide an easy-to-use service for publishing advanced multimedia content on the web, and it is open to all users. It is based on 3DHOP, and Relight a collection of tools and templates for the creation of multimedia interactive Web presentations of digital cultural artifacts.

For all type of visual data, Visual Media Service adopts efficient multi-resolution representation schemas to handle complex dataset and to allow fast data download on internet and high-performance view-dependent visualization.

Providing supports for:

- High-resolution images and 3D models

- Re-lightable (RTI) images, which are becoming more and more important for the acquisition and visualization of objects with small details (e.g. coins)

- Collections of high-resolution images

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Visual Media Service Features


Visual Media Service requires some significant processing of the material uploaded by the users to transform any visual data file in a web-compliant multiresolution encoding. This processing is totally transparent to the users, since it is applied automatically to the data uploaded.


This service provides streaming, compression, multiresolution allowing for large, hi-quality models, relightable images or high resolution images presentation over the web. Configurable tools and interfaces can be adapted to the specific characteristics of the data.


Support for sharing of advanced visual resources among professionals in the Cultural Heritage community, allowing easy and automatic sharing of visual resources, as well as support for collaborative visualisation, without requiring expertise on computer graphics technologies.